Encanto – Castillo – Washed – 250g


Availability: 199 in stock

Farm: Finca La Holandesa

Producer: D.J. Cardenas Muñoz / Luz Nidia Muñoz Cañas / Carolina Cardenas Muñoz

Origin: Vereda El Manzanillo, Santa Rosa de Cabal, Colombia

Variety: Castillo

Process: Washed

Notes: Chocolate / Caramel / Limon

Altitude: 1950 m.a.s.l

SCA: 85 (CQI Q Grader Certificated)

Roast: Medium / Date of Roast: 3rd week of every month.

Weight: 250 g

Cafe especial encanto, es 100% Arabica tiene una proceso lavado. Su origen es de microlotes de cafe castillo y borbon amarillo.

Este cafe es elaborado artesanal mente desde las altas montañas de Santa Rosa de Cabal Risaralda Colombia, está ubicada finca la holandesa. Allí una familia caficultora amantes del café especial, y cuidadores de la naturaleza. Elaboran este cafe de especilidad, clasificado grano a grano por su perfección del grano y nivel de madurez, para llevarlos a un proceso de fermentación cuidadosamente prolongado.

Se maneja los conocimientos ancestrales y le damos la importancia que tiene un café especial secado al sol, ese contacto que tiene los rayos solares con el grano de cafe activando los beneficios del fruto de café con los rayos solares y calor.

Ya seco el cafe con una humedad entre el 10% a 11%, pasa a tostón media. O al gusto del cliente.

Specialty coffee, it is 100% Arabica and has a washed process. Its origin is from micro lots of Castillo and Yellow Bourbon coffees.
This coffee is handcrafted in the high mountains of Santa Rosa de Cabal, Risaralda Colombia, is located the Finca la Holandesa. There, a family of coffee growers, lovers of specialty coffee, and caretakers of nature. They elaborate this specialty coffee, classified bean by bean for its perfection of the grain and level of maturity, and then carefully fermented over a period of time.
We handle the ancestral knowledge and give it the importance of a special coffee dried in the sun, the contact that the sun’s rays have with the coffee bean, activating the benefits of the coffee fruit with the sun’s rays and heat.
Once the coffee is dry, with a humidity between 10% and 11%, it becomes a medium roast. Or according to the customer’s taste.

For sale in the EU, for sales in Colombia please contact us directly.

For other amounts, or types please contact us directly.


Weight 500 g


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